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Farthest Point from Huánuco, Peru

Estimated population of 149,210, - scroll down to which country and city is farthest from Huánuco, Peru. Remember the furthest point (i.e. the antipode) is likely to be in the ocean somewhere, so when considering which point is the farthest away, you need to really look at cities. We provide information for the farthest cities with populations of a hundred thousand and a million people as well as all capital cities, as well as the country that is farthest away.

Furthest Cities (Population 100k+)

City Distance, km
Rach Gia, Vietnam 19,890
Longxuyen, Vietnam 19,845
Cantho, Vietnam 19,814
Phnom Penh, Cambodia 19,793
Mytho, Vietnam 19,746

Furthest Cities (Population 1,000,000+)

City Distance, km
Phnom Penh, Cambodia 19,793
Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam 19,703
Bat Dambang, Cambodia 19,648
Bangkok, Thailand 19,468
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 19,221

Furthest Capital Cities

City Distance, km
Phnom Penh, Cambodia 19,793
Bangkok, Thailand 19,468
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 19,221
Vientiane, Laos 19,107
Singapore, Singapore 19,047

Furthest City to: 2 Cities

City Distance, km
Rach Gia, Vietnam 19,890
Longxuyen, Vietnam 19,845
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